Friday, August 31, 2012

Moooo! Bar open on Sundays through September

 While the rest of Japan is finished swimming, you can still get in your strokes and sun on the beach on Shiraishi Island! Our beach is open year-round. The Moooo! Bar, however, will only be open on Sundays from now thru September, and our last day of the season will be Sept.23rd..

If you'd like to know more about why the Japanese stop swimming after Obon (Aug. 15), please read my latest article in the Japan Times: 
You can swim even after O-bon — the truth about jellyfish

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fireworks Festival and Live Music on the beach Saturday, Aug. 25

It's time for the annual Fireworks Festival and Live Band night on the beach on Shiraishi Island. Come on out and join the fun! You can come out for the day and get back to the mainland on a chartered boat at 9:00 pm after the fireworks, or you can come and stay overnight. Accommodations are almost all booked, but there still are some places. And, you can always camp on the beach!

See you on the island this Saturday!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Shiraishi Island full for Obon--Have a good one!

The Moooo! Bar and Calfe

Shiraishi Island is full for Obon and we will no longer take reservations for accommodations until Aug 16th, the end of Obon. You're welcome to come out for the day, or to camp on the beach, however (camping is free on the beach). We have the Shiraishi Bon Dance performance every night of Obon. On the 16th, the dance will be performed on the beach (as opposed to in front of the village hall as on other nights) and the Toronagashi Ceremony takes place in which hundreds of candles are lit and floated out on the sea. Don't miss it!
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